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Use OneTwo for hiring.

The industry is loaded with talented professionals - but how many of them do you know? If you want to find the best talent for your show, session, or tour, send a text with OneTwo and get a list of pros who are available and qualified for the job.

Use OneTwo to get hired.

The days of sending your Instagram, YouTube, and website to potential gigs are over. All OneTwo accounts include a free industry profile featuring everything you need to get the job including: Roles, Socials, Experience, Videos, and more.

Text is best.

In an industry where last minute is the norm, speed is key. With a global open rate of 95%, text messaging is the fastest and most effective form of communication on the planet - and OneTwo is the only hiring platform to use it.


Eric D.
I needed an engineer for a client, but all my go-to contacts weren't available. I put a post up on OneTwo and in seconds I had replies. I checked out everyone's profile and was impressed by Nadav's resume, so I texted him to set up a call. By the end of the day, he was connected with the manager and had a flight booked. He ended up smashing the gig.
Nadav S.
I really like OneTwo! I set up my profile, and within a couple days I actually got a text for a FOH fly date from Eric. Great team, great artist, and all it took was 10 minutes of my time. I love how simple it is, and it really makes it feel like I'm connected with the community instead of just disconnected circles.